Contact Us

Feel free to call or drop by our shop for an estimate, or to set up an appointment. Our goal is to provide prompt service and repair your vehicle on the same day if possible. We are in Mayfield Village, on Rt.91, just east of Rt. 271 and Wilson Mills Rd.

849 SOM Center Rd.
Mayfield Village, Ohio 44143

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Our hours are:
Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Phone: 440-461-0444

From North: Take Rt. 271 south to Wilson Mills Exit. Turn left at the exit, and right on SOM Center Rd. We are located one block down on the left.

From South: Take Rt. 271 north to Wilson Mills Exit Turn right at the exit, and right on SOM Center Rd . We are locatd one block down on the left.